
全国 2019年4月高等教育自学考试 外刊经贸知识选读试题

2019-05-19 16:25:38   来源:    点击:387

全国 2019 年 4 月高等教育自学考试
注意事项:  1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。
  2. 每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 不能答在试题卷上。
一、单项选择题:本大题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分。在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个可以替代句中划线的单词或词组,请将其选出并将答题卡( 纸) 的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。        
1.       Their tax rates jumped from 21%    to 36% .                
    A. decreased            B. reached    C. increased    D. hit    
2.    Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.        
    A. fall            B. increase    C. grow        D. equal    
3.    A major objective of the government is to increase the proportion of industrial exports.    
     A. decision         B. measure    C. goal    D. policy    
4.    Imports of capital and consumers goods are exempted from customs duties, and a uniform 15% income-tax rate is applied.
    A. varied    B. unchanging        C. respective    D. combined    
5.    In the United States, women were first granted the right to vote on August 18, 1920.    
    A. given    B. taken           C. rewarded                   D. trusted    
 6.    After World War II the United States emerged as the dominant industrial power in the world.    
    A. first    B. threatening           C. giant            D. leading    
7.     Aggregate demand is the overall value of planned expenditures in an economy.    
    A. Total        B. Average        C. Marginal    D. Fixed    
8.    The Gulf crisis had severely adverse effects on the economies of Middle Eastern countries.    
    A. favorable        B. harmful           C. helpful    D. relative    
 9.   In addition, economic growth is skidding to an anticipated 1% next year.    
    A. jumping       B. amounting              C. sliding    D. climbing    
10.    Japan's government    was opposed to America's trade policy for some products.    
    A. agreed       B. consented            C. hesitated    D. objected    
11.  Sooner or later their manufacturing sector would lose their competitive edge.    
    A. side    B. advantage    C. force        D. end  
12. Such projects are not favored by foreign consultants as the profit margins are thin.    
    A. large    B. big    C. small        D. abundant             
13.    The Uruguay Round would raise global welfare by more than $ 100 billion a year, and spur world economic growth.
A. stimulate    B. support    C. increase    D. dampen
14. Commodity prices have continued to tumble from the peak they reached in the second quarter.
A. raise    B. run    C. leap    D. fall
15.    In a hot contest General Electric Trading Co. won a contract of $ 150 million project in former Romanian because it agreed to conclude the transaction on a counter-trade basis.
A. debate    B. argument    C. competition    D. cooperation    
二、判断题:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分。        
判断下列各题,在答题卡( 纸) 相应位置正确的涂“A” ,错误的涂“B”。    
        Passage 1        
    The World Economy      
Canada's new Liberal government “ has to start rebuilding the economy," Dornbusch writes.  
“ Public finance is rotten; industry is dull. But... there is an understanding of what has to happen. " Inflation is lower in Canada than in the US, allowing the Bank of Canada to lower interest rates
over the next year without much risk of a rout for the Canadian dollar on foreign exchange markets. The Japanese economy remains in trouble, with output falling two quarters in a row for the first time in decades. An appreciation of more than 15 per cent in real terms in the yen over the past two years has hurt Japanese competitiveness, Dornbusch notes. The fiscal package to stimulate the econ-omy, to be implemented next April, “will help some but not much" .
At best, Dornbusch predicts, the Japanese economy will grow a real 1 per cent next year. Ja- pan is in a situation which business is singularly ill-equipped to handle. The entire belief system of decades—superiority of the Japanese culture and business system, sustained growth, social cohe- sion, lifetime employment, accommodating finance, the US can be managed—are all up for grabs. Bad news!
Outside Japan, Asia booms. China tried to slow down its economy, but apparently abandoned that effort at a Communist Party meeting last month. Growth in national output is expected to run at an astonishing 13 per cent this year.
South Korea has its woes, and so do a few other economies, Dornbusch notes. But “there are no major obstacles to continued growth in Asia: savings rates are high, access to external capital is plentiful, and the world trading system is staying open. Asia cannot fail to do well. "
16.    The present economic situation in Canada presents nothing to be optimistic about.
17.    The high value of the Yen has contributed to the incompetitiveness of Japanese manufacturers.
18.    The Japanese people have lost their total confidence in the belief system built up over many years.
19.    Asian countries, having solved all their problems, are going to fare through 1993.
20.    China's national output growth running at 13% is considered very high and implausible. Passage 2

Made-in-China Goods in the US
It's been ten years since China joined the World Trade Organization. Since then, the country's exports, particularly to the United States, have skyrocketed. Most Americans regularly buy products made or assembled in China. Steve Mores reports from the US city of Denver on how residents of that city feel about the made-in-China label.
They know it or not, the Americans are massive consumers of Chinese-made products. The US -China Business Council says the United States imported 365 billion dollars worth of products from China last year, more than tripled the amount ten years ago. China says the US is its top export mar- ket. And many shoppers here in Denver say they buy made-in-China goods almost every day.
While electrical equipment tops the list of imports from China, Americans flock to discount re- tailers like this to buy Chinese-made clothes, toys, footwear, and furniture. US International Trade Commission number showed the United States imported 29 billion dollars worth of apparel from China in 2010, and 16 billion dollars worth of footwear and accessories.
“But I think made-in-China … I think it's probably going to be an affordable product. "
But a series of safety concerns in recent years surrounding a number of products from China, including children's toys, has prompted some US consumers to look for alternatives close at home.
“If I could, I would buy everything made-in -America, and know that it was a high -quality product; I can trust it; I wasn't putting my family in any kind of danger. "
But not all the US consumers are worried about the safety of products carrying the made -in - China label.
“Are those products made well? Yes, they are. The American corporations have the same standards when they have their products made in China as they do when they had their products made in the United States. "
China has also become a major export of food to the United States. The US government says food imports from China more than tripled in value over the last decades. With so many goods for sale in the United States carrying the made-in-China label, most people we spoke to say they don't need to think twice about it. However, the vast majority say that they welcome the importation of Chinese goods as a way of keeping prices lower at American stores.
21.    Most Americans buy products made or assembled in China regularly.
22.    The imported products from China to the United States nearly doubled over the past ten years.
23.    The United States imported 19 billion dollars worth of footwear and accessories from China in 2010.
24.    American corporations have the same standards when they have their products made in China as they do when they had their products made in the US.
25.    Most Americans welcome the goods carrying the made-in-China label because goods made in America are not affordable.
注意事项: 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。
三、将下列中文词组译成英文:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。
26.    补偿贸易
27.    生产力
28.    对外直接投资
29.    债务调整
30.    证券市场
31.    贸易盈余
32.    市场力量
33.    反补贴税
34.    特许专营权
35.    贴现率
四、将下列英语单词或词组译成中文:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。
36.    most-favored nation treatment
37.    customs duties
38.    Consortium
39.    European Monetary System
40.    government procurement
41.    export-driven
42.    nouveau riche
43.    intellectual property right
44.    dollar-denominated
45.    primary commodity
五、简答题:本大题共 6 小题,每小题 3 分,共 18 分。 Passage 1
        The slowdown of the industrial countries in 1991 partly originated in structural problems inheri-ted from the 1980s. Slower growth in Europe in 1991 revealed that unemployment, for instance, was still a structurally problematic area. The unemployment rate in the four largest European economies was 7. 8 per cent in 1990, near the peak of the business cycle, and rose to 8. 3 per cent in 1991. Financial stress brought on by excessive debt in the household and corporate sectors was an example of another kind of structural problem, in particular for the economies of Japan and the United States. Financial institutions in these two countries adopted more conservative lending policies, curtailing fi- nancing of higher - risk projects such as commercial construction and highly leveraged corporate transactions. A number of weaker institutions were also consolidated through bankruptcy, merger and reorganization. These developments played some part in the general tightening of credit during 1991, which may have helped to slow the pace of investment in the United States and Japan. Weak growth of credit and a fall in some asset prices probably slowed consumption, as well.
46.    Did “a fall in some asset prices" have anything to do with “weak growth of credit" ?
47.    What does “consumption" refer to here? Is it consumption of the consumer goods or that of the capital goods?
48.    How could “weak growth of credit and a fall in some asset prices" slow down consumption?

Passage 2

  What the statistics do not reveal is how much is unofficially re-exported from the country. This is acknowledged by Dubai's customs department. “ The re -export figures are indicative of markets rather than volumes," a spokesman says. “If you add up the import figures and work out that 85 per cent of it is supposed to stay in the country, then the UAE would be the best stocked warehouse in the world. "
49.    Do the UAE's statistics on trade show the volume of all its re-exports?
50.    What is meant by “The re-export figures are indicative of markets rather than volumes" ?
51.    What does “stay" mean and imply in “ … 85 per cent of it is supposed to stay in the country …" ?

六、翻译题:本大题 12 分。

52.      The next challenge will be to assist trade in services, which is growing more quickly than trade in goods. A fresh round of services talks is due to start in 2000. The aim will be to strengthen last year's agreements on telecoms, financial services and IT, as well as completing an accord on accountancy services which is currently being negotiated. Rich countries want firm rules on government procurement, to replace the vague existing code. Some countries, but not America, are also keen to tackle other subjects that eluded agreement in earlier talks, such as shipping. These will prove thorny, too, as any global talks will have to cope with bilateral agree- ments dating back decades.

上一篇:全国2019年4月高等教育自学考试 英语翻译试题
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