
全国2019年4月高等教育自学考试 英语语法试题

2019-05-18 17:56:39   来源:    点击:460

Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter
A, B, C or d on the ANSWER SHEET. (1%x20=20%)
For some years, the United Nations
been suggesting that we need to cut back
on meat for the sake of the planet
A. having
B. has
C. have
D. had
2. Again, that early success had to be taken with a
of Sa
A. piece
C. pack
D. grain
3. I congratulated him and
contestants who had set a new record at this event
A. the other all
B. all the other
C. the all other
D. all other the
4. Julia will come to give you a hand the moment she
her homework
A. will finish
B. finishes
C. had finished
D. finished
5. She has started to put more focus into her fashion choices, because she to
understand how important style can be
A begins
C is beginning
6. More than 100 people
in such attacks since December 2016
A. killed
B. are killed
C have been killed D. being killed
7. Mr Sumaila Sabo advised that the remains of the dead boy
t the place he was
A. was buried
B bury
C. be buried
D. buried
wait for a special occasion let the kids feel our love now!
B. needn't
C. daren't
You are a very successful lawyer now! Im sure you
hard to obtain a Law
Degree from the Universit
A. may have studied
B. can have studied
C. must have studied
D. must study
10. For a romantic evening, you'd better
for slow, quiet songs, or even something
A opt
D. opted
11. One of the men attempted
money out of the shops cash register but was
A. get
B to get
D gotten
2. There are a couple of key changes that deserve
A. mentioning
B. to mention
C. mentioned
D. being mentioned
13. Weddings, baptisms and even funerals are still held in the
A beautiful old wooden
B old beautiful wooden
C. old wooden beautiful
D. beautiful wooden old
14. The man reported that he was robbed of $799
cash by two unknown men
A in
B. on
C. of
D. with
15. The fossil is extremely rare
it contains the animals complete skeleton
A. so that
B. such that
C. in that
D. in order that
16. The children we so lovingly indulge might just hold us responsible for their
A. what
B. which
C. whom
D. whose
17. The day
you accept the defeat rather than finding excuses makes you stronger
A. on which
B at which
C. which
D. in that
8. Seven victims have been identified, and the police
working to identify the other
three children who might also be victims
A. were
B. is
19. Youd better start swimming
you ll sink like a stone!
A so
B. or
C and
D. but
20. Under no circumstances
into a car with a stranger
you should ever get
B get you should ever
C. should you ever get
D you ever should get
I. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given
21. health, healthier, healthful to include, included, including
Exercise means a
heart because it reduces several cardiovascular risks
high blood pressure.
22. which, that, what: curious, curiousness, curiosit
Celebrities often have fame comparable to
of royalty. As a result, there is a
strong publ
about their private affairs
23. Australian, Australia, Australias; music, musical, musically
In an effort to polish
outback image Sydney launched an international
design competition for a premier
24. name, be named, nameable, special, specifical, specific
Odours, unlike colours,
for instance. can not
in many languages because the
vocabulary simply doesnt exist
25. has, have, will have actually, because, so
General motors
thousands of designers around the world living in the local
customs, cultures and driving conditions,
they can build vehicles best
suited to the customer
26. show, showing, shown, shopping, shopped, shop
Researchers found that adverts
during peak-time television had a bigger
impact on people’s
27. at, in, with which, that, it
One of the first water clocks was a basin
a small hole near the bottom
the water dripped out
28. kind of relationships, hind of relationship, kinds of relationships, in, to, between
Studying geography informs us about the different
that develop
a particular environment and the people that live there
29. with, of, for,; more, much, farther
The honey from Canadian bees is
excellent quality,
better than
the stuff the asian bees produce
30. be are. is household, households, householders
According to new census data, the gap between rich and poor Americans
now at an all- time high with the top 1/5 of American
claiming more than
half of all the nation's income
III. Fill in the blanks on the aNSWER SHEET with an item as required. (1%x20=20%)
31. with a determiner
The bitter winter had
the country in its grip and many old people died of extreme
32. With a determiner
The film shows a vivid picture of
London in dickens ' novels
33. With a determiner
I happened to find
one-dollar note in my drawer the other day.
34. with a determiner.
You gave us two suggestions, but unfortunately
was workable
35. With a modal auxiliary
Time is so pressing. How
I complete such a difficult task single-handed?
36. With a modal auxiliar
as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfect
37. With a modal auxiliary
have read a lot of Maugham's short stories, otherwise you couldn't have
talked so deeply about this famous British writer at yesterday's seminar
38. With a preposition
After six hours'tiring bus ride, I finally arrived
the small town where i was
going to live in the next year
39. With a preposition
The baby was born
New Year's Day, which was a happy coincidence
40. With a preposition
The criminal is sure to be caught sooner or later; he wont remain
large for lor
41. With a preposition
His health condition changed
the worse so his family decided to send him to
42. With a relative pronoun or relative adverb
The company wanted to hire a man
experience would help promote its sales
43. With a relative pronoun or relative adverb
She was very patient towards the children
her husband seldom was
44. With a relative pronoun or relative adverb
The process by
energy is changed from one form into another is called the
transformation of energy
45. With a relative pronoun or relative adverb
Scientists are sure that the time will come
man can fly wherever he likes in the
46. With a coordinator or subordinator.
John failed to pass the driving test for the third time
that’ s too bad.
47. With a coordinator or subordinator
They were going to put up a twenty-storey building
the garbage dump had been
48. With a question tag
Lets not waste time doing nothing at all,
49. With a question tag
There has not been a great response to the sale
50. With a question tag
They must have been informed of the result of the job interview
IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required on the aNSwER SHEet
51. Using passive voice
They expect the Senate debate to continue into next week
52. USing passive voice
A garbage man collected the discarded bottles ten minutes ago
53. Using a modal auxiliar
Look at the traffic jam. It is possible that the road is blocked somewhere near here
54. Using a non- finite verb form
Don't take his words seriously if he professes that he knows everything about your
55. Using a non-finite verb form:
The great composer had lost his hearing. He turned entirely to music to express his
strong emotion
56. Using a simple preposition
He goes to work every day. He does not go to work on Sunday
57. Using a disjunct
It is quite obvious that he has never intended to keep his word
58. Using a relative clause
Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers. Their overall consumption is higher
han that of women
59. Using a relative clause
She was very angry with the man. He called her at midnight and then found that it was a
wrong number
60. Using coordination
Short periods of fasting could help people lose weight. Short periods of fasting could
lead to better health
61. Using subordination
I don't like the idea. The idea is that we go for an outing on a rainy day
62. Using transferred negation
I think he won' t come to the party tonight
63. Adding a suitable tag:
The man talking with Jane is the manager.
64. Using discontinuity
Prof. Smith wants to talk to her about the practicability of the research method in person
65. Using inversion:
They didn 't sight the snowcapped peak until they had walked for nearly three hours
V. Answer the following question on the ANSWER SHEET. (4%x1=4%)
66. What are the differences between determiners and adjectives?
VI. Define the following terms with examples on the ANSWER SHEET. (3%x2=6%)
67. subordination
modal auxilia

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