
全国2019年4月高等教育自学考试 高级英语试题

2019-05-18 18:06:15   来源:    点击:391

I. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose
the right one to complete the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on your
Answer Sheet. (15 points 1 point for each)
1. i find it hard to
that women were treated so unfairly a hundred years ago
A. conceive
B. detect
C. remember
2. The number of staff we can take on will be
y how much money we re
allowed to spend
A suggested
B controlled
C. determined
D. navigated
3. Dad will be angry if you
him while he is reading
A. dislike
B. disturb
C disappoint
D. dissatisfy
4. She is
the brightest star of british ballet
A. normally
B. upsettingly
C undoubtedly
D. unnecessarily
5. The endless public appearances are an inevitable part of an election
A. activity
B campaign
D.moⅴ ement
6. Some pessimists hold that true independent advice is
A. reliable
B unavoidable
C. reasonable
D. unattainable
He suggested a card game to relieve the
of the journey.
A. monopoly
B. monologue
D. monogramhp
8. One of the many of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the
A. outlooks
B. benefits
C experiences
D. attitudes
9. It's a minor earthquake. There were no injuries and the damage to the building
B. lasting
C. accidental
D. disastrous
10. Some people in the West are
spilling salt on the table
A. excited about
B. cautious of
C superstitious about
D. conscious of
11. Turkey is expecting an
of several thousand refugees over the next few
A. influx
B. import
C output
D. overview
12. He wrote to me last week regarding a business
he thought might
interest me
A implication
B. indication
C proposition
D. explanation
13. The Civil Rights act was needed to
some ethnic groups
A. induce
B. enlarge
C. seduce
14. In the end she left home just to escape the
rule of her mother
A. political
B. tyrannical
C. social
D. official
15. The number-one principle for being a good colleague is to
emotions from the working relationship
C. extricate
D disengage

Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items Il,Ill,I.
(1) Fifty years ago, baby boomers and their parents suffered through what was
ubiquitously understood as"the generation gap", or the inability for different
generations to speak clearly with one another
(2)A new national poll of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29--the
millennial generation-provides strong evidence of a new generation gap, this
time with the boomers(born between 1946 and 1964) playing the role of
uncomprehending parents. When Millennials say they are liberal, it means
something very different than it did when barack Obama was coming of age
When Millennials say they are socialists, theyre not participating in ostalgie
for the old German Democratic Republic And their strong belief in economic
fairness shouldnt be confused with the attitudes of the Occupy movement
(3) The poll of Millennials was conducted by the Reason Foundation and the
Rupe Foundation earlier this spring. It engaged nearly 2400 representative 18
to 29 year olds on a wide variety of topics
(4) This new generation gap certainly helps to explain why Millennials are far
less partisan than folks 30 and older. Just 22% of Millennials identify as
Republican or Republican-leaning, compared with 40% of older voters. After
splitting their votes for George E. Bush and Al Gore in 2000(each candidate
got about 48%), Millennials have voted overwhelmingly for Democratic
candidates in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 elections. Forty-three percent of
Millennials call themselves Democrats or leaning that way. Yet thats still a
smaller percentage than it is for older Americans, 49% of whom are
Democrats or lean Democrats. Most strikingly, 34% of Millennials call
themselves true independents, meaning they don't lean toward either party.
For older Americans it's just 10%
(5) Millennials use language differently than Boomers and Gen Xers(born
between 1965 and 1980). In the Reason-Rupe poll, about 62% of millennials
call themselves liberal. By that, they mean they favor gay marriage and pot
legalization, but those views hold little or no implication for their views on
government spending. To Millennials, being socially liberal is being liberal
period. For most older Americans, calling yourself a liberal means you want to
increase the size, scope, and spending of the government (it may not even
mean you support legal pot and marriage equality). Despite the strong liberal
tilt among Millennials, 53% say they would support a candidate who was
socially liberal and fiscally conservative(are you listening, major parties
(6) There are other areas where language doesn't track neatly with Boomer and
Gen X definitions. millennials have no first-hand memories of the soviet
Union or the Cold War. Forty-two percent say they prefer socialism as a
means of organizing society but only 16% can define the term properly as
government ownership of the means of production. In fact, when asked
whether they want an economy managed by the free market or by the
government, 64% want the former and just 32% want the latter. Scratch a
Millennial"socialist"and you are likely to find a budding entrepreneur (55%
saying they want to start the
heir own business someday). Although they support
a government-provided social safety net, two-thirds of Millennials agree that
government is usually inefficient and wasteful" and they are highly skeptical
toward government with regards to privacy and nanny-state regulations about
e-cigarettes, soda sizes, and the like
(7) For all the attention lavished on the youthful, anti-capitalist Occupy
movement a few years ago, it turns out that Millennials have strongly positive
attitudes toward free markets Just dont call it capitalism). Not surprisingly
they define fairness in a way that is less about income disparity and more
about getting your due. Almost six in ten believe you can get ahead with hard
work and a similar number wants a society in which wealth is parceled out
according to your achievement, not via the tax code or government
redistribution of income. Even though 70% favor guaranteed health care
housing, and income, Millennials have no problem with unequal outcomes
(8)Like most older Americans, too, Millennials are deeply worried about massive
and growing federal budgets and debt, with 78% calling such things a major
(9) It would be a real shame if we cant have the sorts of conversations we need to
address and remedy such issues, because different generations are talking past
each other. Millennials are different than boomers or gen Xers: Culture
comes first and politics second to them. They are less partisan and they are
less hung up about things such as pot use, gay marriage, and immigration. But
in many ways, they agree with older generations when it comes to the value
and legitimacy of work, the role of government in helping the poor, and the
inefficiency of government to do that
(10) Everyone agrees that there are crises everywhere: Social Security and
Medicare are going bust and the economy has been on life support for years
The best solutions will engage and involve Americans of all ages. The
Reason-Rupe poll points to some places where generations are talking past
each other and others where there is wide agreement. Giving its finding a
close read might just help narrow today's generation gap so we can get on
with improving all generations'prospects
Il. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four
choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding
letter on your Answer Sheet(20 points, 2 points for each)
16. a boomer can be a person who was born
17. In Paragraph 2, the word"uncomprehending "means
A lacking support
B lacking understanding
C showing contempt
D showing indifference
18. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that
A. a larger percentage of Millennials are Democratic-leaning
B. a smaller percentage of older Americans are Democratic-leaning
C the percentage of partisan Millennials is larger than that of older Americans
D. there is a larger percentage of Millennials as Democrats than that of older
19. When Millennials call themselves liberal, they mean that
A. they want to increase the size and scope of the government
B they uphold the legalization of gay marriage and marijuana
C. they want to urge the government to reduce its spending
D. they would not support a candidate who is conservative
20. When you look into Millennial"socialists"more deeply you will find that
A. many of them are actually against capitalism
B. many of them want to start their own business in the future
C. most of them favor a government intervention in the economy
D. most of them believe in the government' s efficiency in market management
21. In Paragraph7, the word“ disparity” means
A. redistribution
B demotion
C. impartiality
D. difference
22. Unlike Baby Boomers and Gen Xers
A. millennials believe that culture is more important than politics
B Millennials usually take a dim view of gay marriage and immigration
C. Millennials feel ashamed that they cant have conversations with the
D. Millennials think that the government is highly successful in helping the
23. In Paragraph 9, the word "legitimacy"means
A. lawfulness
B. identity
C. effectiveness
D. possibility
24. We can learn from Paragraph 10 that Boomers, Gen Xers and millennials all
agree that in recent years the American economy
A. has been on the increase
B. has barely sustained itself
C has become more prosperous D. has recovered from the recession
25. The author 's attitude toward millennials is
A. casual
C. pessimistic
D objective
III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your
Answer Sheet(10 points, 2 points for each)
26. Most strikingly, 34% of Millennials call themselves true independents
meaning they dont lean toward either party. For older Americans, it's just 10%
27. To Millennials, being socially liberal is being liberal, period. For most older
Americans, calling yourself a liberal means you want to increase the size,
scope and spending of the government
28. In fact, when asked whether they want an economy managed by the free
market or by the government, 64% want the former and just 32% want the
29. Almost six in ten believe you can get ahead with hard work and a similar
number wants a society in which wealth is parceled out according to your
achievement, not via the tax code or government redistribution of income
30. Giving its finding a close read might just help narrow today's generation gap
so we can get on with improving all generations prospects
IV. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your
answer on your Answer Sheet (10 points)
31. In what sense are young people important to their country?
V. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or
expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences
and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression
for each blank only. (25 points, I point for each)
It was the best of times and the worst of times. 7 Her voice 32 in and
curved down through and 33 the words. She was nearly singing I wanted to
look at the pages. Were they the same that I had read? Or were there notes, music,
lined on the pages, as in a_34 book? Her sounds began_35 gently. I
knew from listening to a thousand preachers that she was nearing the end of her
reading, and I hadnt really heard, heard to understand, a 36 word
Watching the float so intently made him sleepy: he had been with Doreen_ two
the night before They spoke of getting married in three months, by which time,
Arthur said, they would have collected a good_ 38 of money, nearly a
hundred and fifty pounds, not counting income-tax rebate, which will probabl
39 it up to a couple of hundred. So they would be sitting pretty, Doreen
replied, because Mrs Creatton had already 40 to let them stay with her for
as long as they like,_41 half the rent
Work therefore is 42, first and foremost, as a preventive of boredom, for the
boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though 43 work is as
nothing in 44 with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with
his days. 45 this advantage of work another is associated,_46 that it
makes holidays much more delicious when they come
On the edge of a small cape that marked the side of the bay away from the
promontory was a loose_ 47 of rocks. Above them, some boys were-48off
their clothes. They came running, naked, down to the rocks. The English boy
swam 49 them, and kept his distance at a stone's 50_. They were of that
coast, all of them burned smooth 51 brown, and speaking a language he did
not understand. To be with them, of them, was a craving that filled his whole
i dont know what the European figures are. Much smaller 52. Europe is
poor, and a face can cost as much in_ 53 as a Rolls-Royce. The most that the
54 of European women can do is just to wash and hope for the best. Perhaps
the soap will produce its loudly advertised_ 55; perhaps it will transform
them into the likeness of those 56 creatures who smile so rosily and
creamily, so peachily and pearlily, from every hoarding
A desirable B. majority
C. until
D. scatter
E. over
F stripping
G amount
cascading I undoubtedly Juninteresting
K. slid
L. namely
M. effects
N bump
O. dark
P comparison Q. ravishing
R. singl
S. throw
T offered
Upaying V towards Wupkeep XWith
Y hymn
VI. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your
Answer Sheet.(20 points, 2 points each for 57-60, 4 points for 61,8 points for 62)

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