
全国2019年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题

2019-05-18 18:08:53   来源:    点击:410

Multiple Choice(40 points in all, l for each)
Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or
completes the statement
Shakespeare's playwright The Tempest resorts to the
atmosphere and to the dream
to solve the conflict
A supernatural
B. natural
C. beautiful
D. realistic
The Renaissance first started in
with the flowering of painting, sculpture and
A. Italy
B. Paris
C. London
D. Rome
3. John milton wrote
to expose the ways of Satan and to"justify the ways of God
to man
A Paradise regained
B. Paradise lost
C Samson agonistes
D. Areopagitica
4. Lycidas is a typical work of John Milton written for
A. his parents
B. his sister
C. his fellow undergraduate
D. his teacher
5. The best part of the novel Robinson Crusoe is the realistic account of the successfu
struggle of Robinson against
A hunger
B. loneliness
C. nature
D. fear
6. The following works are all written by Jonathan Swift EXCEPt
A. A Tale of a Tub
B. The Battle of the books
C. A Modest proposal
D. Moll flanders
7. Henry Fielding has been regarded by some as"Father of the English Novel, for hi
contribution to the establishment of the
of the modern nove
A. form
B. style
C language
D. structure
Percy Shelley created a Platonic symbol of the spirit of man, a force of beauty
and regeneration
A. The cloud
B Songs of Experience
C. Poetical sketches
D. Lyrical ballads
9. The work Songs of innocence is written by
A. William Blake
B. William Wordsworth
C. Jane austen
D. William Shakespeare
10. Jane Austen's practical idealism is that love should be justified by reason and disciplined
A. self-contro
B. self-respect
C. rationality
D. sensibile
Many critics regard
as one of the greatest of all English poets. They point
especially to his lyrics
A. John milton
B. Walt whitman
C. Emily dickinson
D. Percy Shelley
2. William Wordsworth is regarded as a"worshipper of
A. freedom
B. nature
C poetry
D. indet
3. Percy Shelley's greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama,
A. Prometheus Unbound
B. Ode to the West wind
C. adonais
D. In Defense of poetr
14. David Copperfield is regarded as the semi-autobiography of
in which the early life
of the hero is largely based on the author 's early life
A Mark Twain
B. Charles dickens
C. Thomas hardy
D.D.H. Lawrence
15. Charles Dickens'works are characterized by a mingling of
and pathos
A humor
B. satire
C passion
D. metaphor
16. as far as emily bronte's literary creation is concerned she is, first of all, a
A prose
B. novelist
D. dramatist
7. In 1842. Charlotte Bronte and her sister went to
to improve their foreign language
to open up a school
A. Paris
B. Berlin
C. Brussels
D. London
18. All of the following works are known as thomas Hardy's"novels of character and
environment” EXCEPT
A Our Mutual friend
B. The return of the Native
C. Jude and Obscure
D. The Trumpet Major
9. In Tess of the D'urberville
forces Tess to claim kinship with the sham but rich
A. the poverty of the famil
B. innocence of the girl
C the cruel society
D the hypocritical morality
20. T.S. Eliot regarded
as the best medium of poetry. he wrote several verse plays and
made a considerable success
A form
B language
C. drama
D. structure
21. as a realistic dramatist
took the modern social issues as his subjects with the aim
of directing social reforms
A. Charles dickens
B. Nathaniel hawthorne
C. Bernard shaw
D. Mark twain
22. The Doctor 's Dilemma is written by
A D.H. Lawrence
B.T.S. eliot
C. Bernard shaw
D. Thomas Hardy
23. The more important poems by T. S. Eliot are dominated by the dark horror of an earthly
hell EXCEPt
A. Gerontion
B. Prufrock
C. The hollow men
D. Murder in the cathedral
24. D.H. Lawrence employs
and complex narrative richly in The rainbow
A. realism
B symbolis
C. criticism
D. romanticism
25.D. H. Lawrence was recognized as a prominent novelist only after publishing his third
A, Aaron's rod
B. Women in Love
C. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man D. Sons and Lovers
26. As an important prose writer,
put great emphasis on the importance of tradition
both in creative writing and in criticism in his essay Tradition and individual talent
A. John milton
B. Henry Fielding
C. Charles dickens
D.T. S. Eliot
27. Nathaniel Hawthorne focuses his attention on the moral, emotional and
effects of
the sin on the people in general and those main characters in The Scarlet letter.
A. political
B. cultura
C religious
D psychologic
28. For the death of president lincoln
wrote down many poems to air his sorrow, one
of which is "When Lilacs Last in the dooryard bloom'd
A. Emily Dickinson
B. Walt Whitman
C. henry james
D. Mark Twain
29. Most of herman melville's novels are about sea adventure stories EXCEPT
A. Tyl
B omoo
C. Mardi
d. The blithedale romance
30. The raft with which Huck and Jim make their voyage down the mississippi river may
A. American societ
B hatred for American corruption
C. a return to nature
D a world where people can live happily
1. It is Henry James' literary essays and
that make him a fascinating case in the
American literary history and a conspicuous figure in the world literature
A. novels
B. travel accounts
C poems
D. plays
32. Emily Dickinson wrote more than
poems about nature, in which her general
skepticism about the relationship between man and nature is well-expressed
33. The book An American Tragedy is written by
A. Herman melville
B. Scott Fitzgerald
C. henry james
D. Theodore dreis
34. In 1912 in England his first book, A Boys Will, brought
to the attention of
influential critics
A. Robert frost
B. T.S. Eliot
C. Walt whitman
D. Mark Twain
35. The poet
was awarded pulitzer prize the first because of New hampshire
A. Walt Whitman
B. Robert frost
C. Emily dickinson
D. Jane austen
36. Scott Fitzgerald's short-story collections won him popularity, and one of them is
A. tales of the Jazz
B Light in August
C. Tender is the night
D. The Last Tycoon
37. The author
said, "The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth
f it being above water
A Mark Twain
B. Theodore dreiser
C. William faulkner
D. Ernest Hemingway
38 Scoot Fitzgerald's fictional world is the embodiment of the spirit of the Jazz Age, in
which he shows a particular interest in
A. the working-class people
B. the upper-class societ
C. the exiles in paris
D. intellectuals and artists
39. Ernest hemingway's novel
describes the drifting life of American exiles in Europe
A. The sun also rises
B. A Farewell to arms
C. For whom the Bell tolls
d. The old man and the sea
cO In A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner makes best use of the
devices in narration
A. romantic
B. realistic
C. Gothic
D. Post-modernist
Reading Comprehension(16 points in all, 4 for each)
Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English
41. Wherefore feed and clothe and save
From the cradle to the grave
Those ungrateful drones who would
Drain your sweat-nay drink your blood
Wherefore, Bees of England, forge
Many a weapan, chain, and scourge,
That these stingless drones may spoil
The forced produce of your toil?
A Identify the poet and the poem from which the lines are taken
B. What do you think the poet intends to say in the poem?
C. What does the phrase " Bees of england "refer to
42. MRS WaRREN galled by the vivie 's indifference What do you know of men, child, to
talk that way about them? You' ll have to make up your mind to see a good deal of Sir
George Crofts, as he's a friend of mine
VIVE. [quite unmoved] Why? [She sits down and pens a book] Do you expect that we
shall be much together? You and l i mean?
A. Identify the playwright and the title of the above quotation
B. what's the relationship between the two speakers
C. What's the theme of the play?
43. Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a dream of evil omen for young goodman Brown. A
stern, a sad a darkly meditative a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from
he night of that fearful dream. On the Sabbath-day, when the congregation were singing
a holy psalm, he could not listen, because an anthem of sin rushed loudly upon his ea
and drowned all the blessed strain
A. Identify the title of the story from which this part is taken
B. Why does Brown become stern, sad, and distrustful?
C. What does "that fearful dream?"' refer to?
44. I like to see it lap the miles-
And lick the valleys up-
And stop to feed itself at Tanks-
And then--prodigious step
Around a pile of mountains
And supercilious peer
In Shanties-by the side of roads
And then a quarry pare
A. Identify the name of the author
B. What does“it” in the first line mean?
C. What is the poem about?
Questions and Answers(24 points in all, 6 for each)
Give a brief answer to each of the following questions in English
45. What are the each hero's weaknesses of the characteristics of the greatest tragedies written
by william Shakespeare?
46. Why is Jane eyre one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian Age?
47. Sister Carrie best embodies Theodore Dreiser's naturalistic belief. How do you
understand that?
48. What are the characteristics of robert frost's poetry?
Topic Discussion(20 points in al,10 for each)
Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the
corresponding space on the answer sheet.
49. Robinson Crusoe is considered to be daniel Defoe's masterpiece because the protagonist
was a real middle-class hero. And his rest four novels manifest Defoe's deep concern for
the poor and the unfortunate in his society. Please try to discuss their social significance
50 Moby-Dick is not merely a whaling tale or sea adventure, considering that Herman
Melville is a great symbolist. Please make an analysis on this viewpoint

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