
全国2019年4月高等教育自学考试 英语阅读(二)试题

2019-05-18 18:18:45   来源:    点击:417

I Reading Comprehension(40 points, 2 points for each)
Directions: In this part of the test, there are four passages. Following each
passage, there are five questions with four choices marked A, B,c and D
Choose the best answer and then blacken the corresponding letter on your Answer
passage One
Many people believe that taking vitamin supplements is the best safeguard
against the dangers of an incomplete diet, but this should be a last resort rather
an a way out of a problem. Even if there is a genuine need for extra vitamins
then sooner or later the question arises"which ones do i need how much of them
and how often? There is really no simple answer to this question. The Food
Standards Committee suggests in their recent report to the government that we do
not need any extra vitamins. They say that they are "not necessary for a healthy
individual eating a normal diet. whilst few of us would challenge their authority
on the subject of nutrition, it is, perhaps, pertinent to ask the question how many
of us are healthy, and what is a normal diet? " There is an element of doubt in
many minds about these two aspects and though few people are familiar with the
wording of the Food Standards report they do wonder instinctively if they are
eating the right things. The blame for faulty eating habits is often placed at the
door of the ubiquitous junk and convenience foods. As we have seen, some of
these are not the criminals they are made out to be. White bread is only slightly
less nutritious than brown bread and frozen vegetables can be almost as""as
fresh food. There are very few foods which can really be described as pure
rubbish. Many pre-packed foods contain too much sugar and we would all benefit
by avoiding these, but most tinned, processed and dried foods contain useful
amounts of fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. The addition of a
small amount of fruit or a side salad to convenience foods such as pizzas or
hamburgers can turn a snack into a well-balanced meal
" Junk?" food is difficult to define. White sugar is probably the nearest
contender for the title. It contains plenty of calories for energy but not much else,
and is often described as an" empty calorie food alcohol is also high in calories
but beer and wine contain some of the b vitamins and wine is a good source of
iron so even a teetotaler could not describe all alcohol as useless nutritional
speaking. Calories measure the energy we derive from the food we eat, and sugar
and alcohol are sometimes described as having a high energy density. There is a
limit to the amount of energy we need each day (2, 000-2, 200 calories is the
average for women and 2, 500-3,000 for men) and if we eat too much sugar and
alcohol there is no appetite left for the vitamin-rich foods we need--fish, meat
fruit and vegetables. buying vitamins can be predicted by psychological as well as
nutritional motives and it is prudent to investigate why we think we need them
and what benefits we expect from them before we rush off to the health shop to
make our purchases
Questions 1-5 are based on Passage one
According to the Food Standards Committee,
A. many of us do not have a healthy diet
B. many of us need to think twice about our eating habits
C. people do not need extra vitamins if they have a normal diet
D. people must have extra vitamins as a safeguard against illnesses
2. Canned foods do not necessarily mean unhealthy because they may contain
A enough sugar
B some extra supplements
C. fresh vegetables
D. some useful substances we need
3. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that
A. healthy food usually contains no calories
B we cannot simply define alcohol as "junk food
C alcohol surely contains extra vitamins
D. white sugar is not at all healthy
4. The word"teetotaler in Paragraph 2 means
A. a person who never drinks alcohol
B a person who usually eats junk food
C. a person who never eats white sugar
D a person who usually has a balanced diet
5. The passage tells us that
A. we should not buy vitamins blindly
B white sugar and meat should not be eaten together
C. alcohol is a good companion for foods like fish and meat
D. we need to measure calories contained in the food before we eat it
Passage two
I've known the mother sitting in front of me at this parent-teacher conference
for years, and we have been through a lot together. I have taught three of her
children, and i like to think weve even become friends during our time together
She's a conscientious mother who obviously loves her children with all of her
heart I've always been honest with her about their strengths and weaknesses and
i think she trusts me to tell her the truth But when she hits me with the concern
that's been bothering her for a while all i can do is nod, and stall for time
Marianna's grades are fine; I'm not worried about that, but she just doesnt
seem to love learning anymore. She's absolutely right. Id noticed the same thing
about her daughter over the previous two or three years, and i have an answer
right there on the tip of my tongue, for what has gone wrong
The truth-for this parent and so many others-is this: Her child has
sacrificed her natural curiosity and love of learning at the altar of achievement
and it's our fault Marianna's parents her teachers society at large we are all
implicated in this crime against learning. From her first day of school, we pointed
her toward that altar and trained her to measure her progress by means of points
scores, and awards. We taught marianna that her potential is tied to her intellect
and that her intellect is more important than her character. We taught her to come
home proudly bearing As, championship trophies, and college acceptances, and
we inadvertently taught her that we don' t really care how she obtains them. We
taught her to protect her academic and extracurricular perfection at all costs and
that it's better to quit when things get challenging rather than risk marring that
perfect record. Above all else, we taught her to fear failure. That fear is what has
destroyed her love of learning
Marianna is very smart and high-achieving, and her mother reminds her of
that on a daily basis. However, marianna does not get praised for the diligence
and effort she puts into sticking with a hard math problem or a convoluted
scientific inquiry. If that answer at the end of the page is wrong, or if she arrives at
a dead end in her research. she has failed--no matter what she has learned from
her struggle. And contrary to what she may believe, in these more difficult
Ituations she is learning. She learns to be creative in her problem-solving. She
learns diligence. She learns self-control and perseverance. But because she is
scared to death of failing, she has started to take fewer intellectual risks
Questions 6-10 are based on Passage Two
6. Marianna's mother
A pays much attention to her daughters academic achievements
B is sensitive and is ready to protect her children at any time
C. has much confidence in her children
D. is honest and trustworthy
7. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that
A. the teacher is really worried about Marianna's grades
B. the mother has been a friend of marianas teacher for 2 or 3 years
C. the mother has noticed her daughter 's poor performance in her stud
D the teacher knows the reason why marianna lost her love for learning
8. According to the author
A. the whole society are involved in the crime against learning
B. teachers should be blamed for students'loss of strengths
C. parents kill their children's interest in grades
D. children are not born to love learning
9. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
A. Teachers usually stimulate their students to face new challenges
B Children will never learn anything if they fail in their scientific inquiry
C. Marianna never wins praise for the effort she puts into problem-solving
D. Parents usually encourage their kids to solve the problems independently
10. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage
A Parents Play important roles in Academic Education
B. Academic Pressure May lead to Failure in learning
C. Academic Success Is the Ultimate Goal of Learning
D. Academic Perfection means a successful future
Passage Three
At last, unemployment is easing. But the latest low rate--hovering below 6
percent-obscures a deeper, longer-term problem: "skills mismatches"in the
labor force, which will only worsen in years to come. According to the most
recent figures, 9.3 million Americans are unemployed, but 4.8 million jobs stand
empty because employers cant find people to fill them. With new technology
transforming work across a range of sectors, more and more businesses are
struggling to find workers with the skills to man new machines and manage new
One solution has enchanted employers, educators, and policymakers on both
sides of the aisle: European-style apprenticeship
Ive just come back from Germany, where I visited some half dozen
apprenticeship programs at brand-name companies like Daimler, Siemens, and
Bosch, and the metaphor I came away with is a native tree--flourishing
productive, highly adapted to its local climate zone, but unlikely to take root or
grow in a climate as different as the americas this doesn ' t mean we shouldn't
adapt the German model. But it's not going to be quick or easy
The U.S. has its own tradition of apprenticeship going back many years. But
like most kinds of vocational education. it fell out of fashion in recent decades-a
victim of our obsession with college and concern to avoid anything that resembles
tracking. Today in America, fewer than 5 percent of young people train as
apprentices, the overwhelming majority in the construction trades. In Germany
the number is closer to 60 percent-in fields as diverse as advanced
manufacturing, IT, banking, and hospitality. And in Europe, what's often called
dual training is a highly respected career path
Dual training"'captures the idea at the heart of every apprenticeship
Trainees split their days between classroom instruction at a vocational school and
on-the-job time at a company. The theory they learn in class is reinforced by the
practice at work. They also learn work habits and responsibility and, if all goes
well, absorb the culture of the company. trainees are paid for their time, including
in class. The arrangement lasts for two to four years, depending on the sector. And
both employer and employee generally hope it will lead to a permanent job-for
employers, apprentices are a crucial talent poo
The first thing you notice about German apprenticeships: The employer and
the employee still respect practical work. German firms dont view dual training
as something for struggling students or at-risk youth. This has nothing to do with
corporate social responsibility, an HR manager at Deutsche Bank told the group
was with, organized by an offshoot of the Goethe Institute. "I do this because
need talent. So too at bosch
Questions 11-15 are based on Passage Three.
11. We can learn from Paragraph I that in the U.S
A. the unemployment rate is dropping
B. there are more and more people being laid off
C the unemployed workers are leading an easy life
D. the problem of skills mismatches will be easily solved
12. The word"man"in Paragraph I means
A. make
B. service
C operate
D. maintain
13. According to the author, Germany's apprenticeship program
A can be very fruitful in the U. s
B. may not be suitable in the u.s
C. will not be welcomed in the u.s
D. can easily adapt to the new environment in the u. s
14. In the U. s, young people usually train as apprentices in
A banking industry
B. hospitality industry
C. information technology
D. construction trades
15. What do you know about“ dual training”?
A. At the end of the program, the trainees will be offered a permanent job
B. In this program, the trainees spend most of their time learning skills.
C. The program tries to strike a balance between theory and practice
D. This program specifically emphasizes on-the-job training
Passage Four
In the beginning was Apple. All things were made by it; and without it was
not anything made that was made If technophiles were to write their own
Testament, these might be the opening lines. Apple's ability to redefine the appeal
of whole categories of computing has attracted the unerring faith of millions of
followers. Apple has popularized existing technologies four times: with the
Macintosh computer in 1984. the iPod in 2001. the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in
2010. Recently the faithful have prayed that Apple will pull it off again with its
smartwatch. Many firms already make wrist-based devices that measure sleep
patterns and exercise, but so far the category has remained a niche plaything for
geeks and athletes
On March 9th the firm gathered its flock to share details about the apple
Watch, which will go on sale next month. Tim Cook, its boss, called it"the most
advanced timepiece ever created,. In addition to telling the time it can respond to
voice commands, measure its wearer's heart rate, act like a credit card at payment
points and provide alerts for incoming calls and e-mails. It can display many of
the apps that are popular on smartphones, such as those of social networks,
without the hassle of having to pull out a phone
The launch of the Apple Watch points to a broader story: high expectations
that wearable technology will soon take off. Some 21m wearable devices were
sold last year, according to IDC, a research firm; wrist-worn wearables, including
watches, were the majority.
Wearables have so far lacked the elegant design and ease of use that helped
smartphones ring in such success. Even the fashion models who were hired to
demonstrate Google Glass struggled to make it look stylish. Most companies are
focusing on the engineering challenges in front of them and paying too little
attention to the "cultural engineering"that needs to happen for wearables to
become accepted. Apple has hired fashion-conscious executives from luxury
brands like burberry and Yves Saint laurent to make its watch attractive, but it is
not yet obvious that it has cracked the cool code
But the biggest challenge facing wearables is the absence to date of a"killer
app". Watches do not yet provide much more than smartphones currently do, and
some models offer far less. Moving beyond phones capabilities will take time. It
ill also depend on getting developers to build apps that will make the most of
arables possibi
Questions 16-20 are based on Passage Four
16. The author listed the macintosh ipod iPhone and ipad to
A tell us what kind of products Apple can produce
B show us the achievements that apple has made
C explain the reason why apple is so successful
D. define the business scope of apple
17. The underlined part in Paragraph 1 means
A people who have religious faith
B. people who are dedicated to a religion
C. people who are loyal to a certain brand
D people who accept the leadership of another
18. According to Paragraph 2, Apple watch cannot be used to
A carry out voice commands
B. make payment as a credit card
C. inform the wearer of incoming calls
D. measure the wearers blood pressure
19. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
A. Most of the wearables are quite expensive
B. Most wearable producers lack fashion-consciousness
C. Most of the wearables do not have a fashionable look
D. Most wearable producers pay too much attention to cultural engineering
20. What is the current status of wearables?
A. They have dominated the market
B. They have already had elegant designs
C. They can provide more functions than smartphones
D. They need further improvement to become accepted

II. Vocabulary(15 points, I point for each
Directions: Scan the following passage and find the words which have roughly
the same meanings as those given below. The number in the brackets after each
word definition refers to the number of paragraph in which the target word is
Write the word you choose on the Answer Sheet.
In the laboratories where astronauts are trained for their journeys, they are
subjected to conditions that resemble those of flight. It takes time for them to
prepare for the great changes that occur in space. When the spaceship leaves the
earth at tremendous speed the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against
the spaceship floor. Later, when they leave the zone of the earths gravitation, they
are unable to stay in one place. Simple actions, such as eating and drinking
become very difficult to perform. You may get an inkling of what the astronauts
have to deal with if you try to drink a glass of water while standing on your head
or while just lying down
The beginnings of mans conquest of space took place in 1958, seven years
before Leonov's trip. The first successful launching of"Sputnik"demonstrated
that it was indeed possible to send objects far enough out of range of earth's
gravity so that they would not fall back to earth. Rather, such objects could be
forced to revolve about the earth, just as the moon does. However, while the moon
is so far from earth that it takes it a month to revolve around the earth. man-made
satellites, which are closer to earth, can make a complete revolution in a few hours
It was three years after the first satellite launching that a spaceship containing
a man made a successful flight. The flight lasted less than two hours, but it
pointed the way to future developments
Other planets are so far away that spaceships must attain tremendous speeds
to reach them in a reasonable time. If spaceships were launched from space or
from the moon, the absence of weight would permit the ships to be launched with
great speed at reduced pressures. a relatively small explosion would be enough to
send a ship off at a very fast rate. And, since there is no atmosphere in space as
there is on earth the spaceship would meet with no resistance
21. look like(Para. 1)
22. very great in amount or level (Para. 1)
3. pressed very hard(Para. 1)
4. the force of attraction between all masses in the universe(Para. 1)
25. a slight idea about something(Para. 1)
26. the act of getting control of (Para. 2)
27. sending a spacecraft into the sky(Para. 2)
28. the maximum area within which something varies (Para. 2
29. move round a central point(Para. 2)
30. artificial rather than natural (Para. 2)
31. having something inside(Para. 3)
32 showed the direction(Para. 3)
33. reach a particular level(Para. 4)
34. the lack of something(Para. 4)
35. comparatively(Para. 4)
Ill Summarization (20 points, 2 points for each)
Directions: In this section of the test, there are ten paragraphs. Each of the
paragraphs is followed by an incomplete phrase or sentence which summarizes
the main idea of the paragraph. Spell out the missing letters of the word on your
Answer sheet
Paragraph One
When you lose an hour of sleep, it decreases your well-being, productivity
health, and ability to think the following day. One of the most influential studies
of human performance found that top performers slept 8 hours and 36 minutes per
day. You are simply a different person when you operate on insufficient sleep
36. Insufficient sleep may lead to p performance
Paragraph Two
Type d personalities usually have a low self-esteem and a great fear of
disapproval. Negative emotions such as worrying, stress, depression and anger
visit type d personalities more often. A small event that is usually overlooked by
others can bother a type d a lot and even ruin his mood
37. A c____ type and its features
Paragraph Three
Industry needs automobiles for farming as well as transportation. Everyday
automobiles drive people to and from work. On weekends automobiles take
families for joyful outings. And during holiday seasons, automobiles fill the
highways everywhere, even in remote areas. It could be said that the wheels of
automobiles move society forward
38. The w______use of automobiles
Paragraph Four
Recent research suggests that tea-producing areas in some places, notably
East Africa, could decline by as much as 55 percent by 2050 as temperatures
change Tea pickers are also feeling the impacts of climate change during harvest
season, increased air temperatures are creating an increased risk of heatstroke for
field workers
39. The effect of r temperatures on tea production
Paragraph Five
Economists long ago point out why it is bad for a single firm to dominate a
market. They believe that monopolists can set prices almost as they please Worse
if a company has no fear of competition, it needn't worry too much about keeping
customers happy and creating new and better products
40. The c_______of monopo
Paragraph Six
Driving for more than two hours a day negatively affects iQ levels, scientists
have warned. In what might come as unwelcome news for middle-aged
commuters, a recent study found that long periods behind the wheel could speed
up the effects of age on the brain because the mind is less active on long car
41. Driving for a long t_______ may dull your mind
Paragraph Seven
Spinach may cause Alzheimer's disease in at-risk people, research suggests
The salad leaf's iron-rich content may damage the brain similar to how the
compound causes metal to rust, according to the researchers. People with high
levels of iron, which has previously been associated with Alzheimer's, are more
likely to experience rapid cognitive decline a study found
42 Iron-rich v______ may lead to Alzheimer's disease

Paragraphh Eight
Studies have shown that people forced to share workspaces reported feeling
marginalized, experienced more distractions, negative relationships and
uncooperative behavior, not to mention feeling like their supervisors were being
less supportive. Studies also find that open plan offices can have some negative
psychological effects, reducing employee satisfaction, focus, and their feelings of
having privacy at work
43. Open office e_______and its negative effects
Paragraph nine
Some air pollutants can cause cancer, problems with having children and
other very serious illnesses as well as environmental damage. air pollutants have
killed people swiftly when large quantities were released; the 1984 release of
methyl isocyanate at a pesticide- manufacturing plant in Bhopal, India, killed
approximately 4,000 people and injured more than 200,000
44. Air pollutants can be f______
Paragraph Ten
Bats emit a very high frequency sound and listen for the echo that bounces
off objects. The difference in time between emitting the sound and hearing the
echo allows the bat to build up a mental picture"of its environment. homing
pigeons can fly back to their home lofts by using the Earth's magnetic field to
45. The animals with s_______powers
IV. Translation.(25 points, 4 points each for 46-50, 5 points for 51)
Directions: In the following passage, there are six groups of underlined
sentences. Read the passage carefully and translate these sentences into
Chinese. write the chinese version on your Answer sheet
Since their first appearance on earth, men have gathered information and
have attempted to pass useful ideas to other men. 46. The carving of
word-pictures on the walls of ancient caves as well as hieroglyphics on stone
tablets represent some of mens earliest efforts to convey information. Scenes of
hunting, maps of battles, and the stories of heroes were put down for all to see
But as civilizations grew more complex, better methods of communication
were needed. The written word, carrier pigeons, the telegraph, and many other
devices carried ideas faster and faster from man to man. 47. In recent years one
type of machine, the electronic computer, has become increasingly important in
the lives of all the people in the industrialized nations of the world. Computers are
now widely used aids for communication, calculation, and other activities. Their
effect becomes more important every day
Man has always been interested in extending the range of his senses and the
power of his mind. Through the years, he has invented many instruments to help
im see better and understand more. 48. The telescope, for example, was invented
to allow him to look at faraway objects. To see the very small things in the world.
the microscope was developed. radio, telephone, and telegraph are means b
which man has extended the range of his senses of hearing and speech
While developing his power of thought, man first began to identify and count
objects. He began to ask the questions"What is it? " and"How many? ", It was a
long time ago that this numbering and comparing of things began
49. New ways of helping with counting and recording information evolved.
Marks of different kinds were taken to represent certain quantities, and other
marks were taken to represent relationships between quantities.
New devices to aid in the manipulation of numbers were developed
Electronic computers are among the fastest and most useful instruments for
sorting and comparing in use today. 50 Computers provide the means for greater
speed and accuracy in working with ideas than had previously been possible. With
the development of these new tools, it is as if man has suddenly become a
millionaire of the mind
Although man has been growing mentally richer ever since he started to think,
the electronic computer allows and will continue to allow him to perform
tremendous"mentaltasks in a relatively short time. Great scientists of the past
produced ideas which were the basis for great advances, but their ideas sometimes
had to wait for years before they were understood sufficiently well to be of
practical use. With the computer, the ideas of today's scientists can be studied
tested distributed and used more rapidly than ever before
51. Old lines and methods of communication do not work easily or efficiently
with as much information as we have now. The repeated actions of preparing.
sorting. filling, distributing, and keeping track of records and publications can be
as troublesome as calculating. errors occur because men grow tired and can be
The basic job of computers is the processing of information. For this reason
computers can be defined as devices which accept information, perform
mathematical or logical operations with the information, and then supply the
results of these operations as new information

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